February 11, 2012, S&P at 1358, (roughly where it is right now on Dec. 3rd)
Yes, it's that easy to see coming - yet..... Here we are after a bond swap and a default, and a stern warning from BoomBustBlog that any who bought the new bonds in the bond swap would be facing redefault in less than three years and we have the following from Bloomberg:
Greece Makes $13 Billion Buyback Offer as Merkel Floats Writeoffs
Greece offered 10 billion euros ($13 billion) to buy back bonds issued earlier this year as the bailed-out nation attempts to cut a debt load that may threaten future international aid.
Greek bonds rallied after the so-called modified Dutch auction was announced today by the Athens-based Public Debt Management Agency. PDMA offered an average maximum purchase price for the bonds maturing from 2023 to 2042 of 34.1 percent, based on information in the statement. The offer runs until 5 p.m. London time on Dec. 7.
Success of the buyback is crucial to releasing aid that’s been frozen since June. The offer was part of a package of measures approved by euro-area finance ministers last week to cut the nation’s debt to 124 percent of gross domestic product in 2020 from a projected 190 percent in 2014.
... The bid to ease Greece’s debt curden underscores a move away from austerity-first measures European leaders have embraced since the financial crisis began in 2009.
Because, even the most dense Eurocrat is now realizing that now matter how much you subtract something from zero, you will still get a negative number... Duhh!!!
German Chancellor Angela Merkel yesterday opened the possibility that Germany may ultimately accept a write-off of Greek debt, previously a taboo in the biggest contributor to euro bailouts.
Because the Germans have no choice but to come to grips with the fact that they are holding a bunch of zero paper (that's zero value, not zero coupon), and sooner or later they'll have to pay the piper.
Greek bonds rose for a third day, pushing the 10-year yield below 15 percent for the first time since the nation’s debt was restructured in March. The yield on the 2 percent securities maturing in February 2023 fell 151 basis points, or 1.51 percentage points, to 14.63 percent at 9:45 a.m. London time, leaving the price at 39.31 percent of face value.
... Investors who join the buyback will receive payment in six- month bills from the European Financial Stability Facility, the Greek debt agency said.
The International Monetary Fund set the 2020 debt-cut target as a condition for continuing to fund a third of Greece’s bailout program. IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said after the euro-area finance ministers’ meeting that the fund will examine the results of the buyback before deciding whether to approve disbursement of additional aid.
The buyback accounts for 11 percentage points, or more than half of the 20 percentage points of the planned drop.
Let's take a visual perusal of what I am talking about, focusing on those sovereign nations that I have covered thus far.
Notice how dramatically off the market the IMF has been, skewered HEAVILY to the optimistic side. Now, notice how aggressively the IMF has downwardly revsied their forecasts to still end up widlly optimistic.
Ever since the beginning of this crisis, IMF estimates of government balance have been just as bad...
The EU/EC has proven to be no better, and if anything is arguably worse!
While Greece has gotten pledges for 240 billion euros of aid, the funds have been blocked since June as the government tries to get its bailout program back on track after it was disrupted by two elections and a deepening recession.
Check this out - "the government tries to get its bailout program back on track after it was disrupted by two elections". That damn democracy bullshit. Get's in the way of debt slavery a bit too much more my taste, eh???
Then there's "as the government tries to get its bailout program back on track after it was disrupted by... a deepening recession." Well, my friends, the recession would not be deepening so as much if the ???? ??? ??? ?????????????? ?? ????? ??? ??????????? ??? ??? ????????? ??? ????? ??? ?????????! You can guess what that says if you don't read Greek!
- Even with the elimination of interest payments Greece will spiral downward.
- Even with the near total absolution of its debt, as in a 90% haircut of the most recent bonds issued (which were swapped for bonds of which investors took an effective 74% haircut), Greece will spiral downward.
- That is the likely reason why these newest bonds back by EU/IMF bailout economic capital are already trading 70 points below par and rated CCC.
- These bonds are almost definitely slated for a 90%+ haircut by 2016
Ponder the excerpts from the news clips above as you keep these two charts in mind, the same charts that I've posted at least twice in the last 45 days. A picture is worth a thousand drachma...
The primary balance looks at the structural issues a country may have.
Government expenditures have outstripped revenues ever since 2007 and have gotten worse nearly every year since, despite 3 bailouts a restructuring, austerity and a default!
Anlegerschützer warnen vor steuerlichen und rechtlichen Nachteilen
AntwortenLöschenNicht für alle Privatanleger ist das Rückkaufprogramm jedoch obsolet. So beziffert die Deutsche Schutzvereinigung für Wertpapierbesitz (DSW) das durchschnittliche Anlagevolumen der in der von ihr initiierten Interessenvertretung „Arbeitsgemeinschaft Griechenland Anleihen“ (AGA) zusammengeschlossenen Anleger auf 25.000 Euro.
Die DSW rät allerdings von der Annahme des Angebots ab, da dieses nicht wirklich attraktiv sei. Der griechische Staat bietet zwischen 30 und 40 Prozent des Nominalwerts. Das ist zwar mehr als erwartet, aber wenig für Anleger, die schon erhebliche Einbußen hinnehmen mussten.
Grundsätzlich sollten Anleger nur dann verkaufen, wenn aktueller Finanzbedarf bestehe, sagt DSW-Hauptgeschäftsführer Marc Tüngler. Anleger verlören womöglich durch Verkauf der Papiere die Klageberechtigung, weil dies als nachträgliche Zustimmung zum Zwangsumtausch gewertet werden könne.
Im Falle eines Verkaufs müssten die Inhaber der Umtauschanleihen auch mit den steuerlichen Folgen leben können. Steuerlich gälten die durch Zwangsumtausch bezogenen Papiere als Finanzinnovationen. Im günstigen Fall werde dabei die Differenz zwischen Verkaufserlös und Einstandspreis versteuert. Wenn kein Einstandskurs eingebucht wurde, werde der gesamte Verkaufserlös steuerwirksam.