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Donnerstag, 1. Januar 2015

2014 Greatest Hits: Presenting The Most Popular Posts Of The Past Year

2014 Greatest Hits: Presenting The Most Popular Posts Of The Past Year

Tyler Durden's picture

A quick glance at the 20 most popular stories of 2014 as determined by you, our readers, shows something troubling: despite the just concluded 6th consecutive year of a rising S&P 500 - the longest such stretch since 1999 of what otherwise would be deemed optimism - despite what should be a steadily improving economy and improving social and economic conditions, what readers founds most fascinating, and troubling, was the increasing preponderance of social disobedience, of covert, proxy or outright wars, and of civil unrest: all phenomena that accompany a world sliding deeper into distress, not as most central banks and their puppet media would have us believe, a global recovery.
But before we get into the details of what has now become an annual tradition for the last day of the year, those who wish to jog down memory lane, can refresh our most popular articles for every year during our brief 6-year existence, starting with 2009 and continuing with 20102011,2012 and 2013: one for every year of the most artificial and fabricated "bull market" in history.
So without further ado, here are the articles that readers found to be the most popular of the past 365 days.
  • In 20th place, with over 143,000 reads, was the first hint that the second cold, and not so cold, war between Russia and the US was going to be not only fought in commodity terms - at least in the beginning - but would do all in America's power to prevent the formation of a Russia-China axis of power, when back in paril we learned that the "US Threatens Russia Over Petrodollar-Busting Deal." As noted above, conflict and its numerous variations, would be the driving feature of what readers were most fascinated by. The ever-escalating conflict between Russia and the US would be merely one of the numerous such developing plotlines that those who were not engrossed by whether Kim Kardashian's ass would indeed break the internet, followed with great interest.
  • In 19th place, and rising rapidly, was Zero Hedge at what we believe is its best: peeking behind the propaganda, and revealing the lies hidding in the headline numbers. We did this most recently with "Here Is The Reason For The "Surge" In Q3 GDP." As it turns out, Obamacare may well have been an abysmal failure for many (and will be for most) and its existence depends largely on the "stupidity of American voters", but when it comes to artificially goosing US GDP at opportune times, it is second to none.
  • ..........
  • In 3rd place was a viral reminder that while America is a great country, it does have its drawbacks. Over 250,000 readers agreed when we showed the ""Worst Possible States To Live In" As Ranked By Their Residents." All we have to say here to our readers from Illinois: our condolences.
  • Finally, with over 600,000 combined readers, we leave it to our readers to spot the common theme in the two top articles on Zero Hedge for 2014, titled, simply enough, "OECD Fears Middle Class Civil Unrest Is Coming" and "Martin Armstrong Warns Civil Unrest Is Rising Everywhere: "This Won't End Pretty.""


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