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Freitag, 31. Januar 2014

The last few days have seen yields on their 2017 bonds scream higher from 11% to 19%... and 2015 Boden prices collapse.

A Not So Subtle Hint That Argentina May Be Un-Fixed

Tyler Durden's picture

The Argentinian 2015 bonds are getting destroyed!!
They were trading near Par at year-end!!

With the IMF frantically scrambling to cover its forecast errors and model-breakdowns amid an emerging market turmoil that no one could have seen coming, the contagion is beginning to spread. With all eyes fixed on Turkey (unfixed again) or Ukraine (never fixed), Argentina's troubles are exploding. The last few days have seen yields on their 2017 bonds scream higher from 11% to 19%... and 2015 Boden prices collapse.
This is the worst in emerging market bonds and the price/yield is back at the lows/highs since October 2012. With the peso's dramatic 15% devaluation last week stabilized in the official rate around 8/USD, the blue-dollar rate is back at its worst around 12.80 implying more pain to come.
5Y CDS are trading 2700bps = +1000bps in 2014
These are 3-year maturity bonds!

Argentina is losing foreign currency reserves at the fastest pace in more than a decade as estimated 28 percent inflation and currency controls spur capital flight. The funds, which the country relies on to pay debt and finance energy imports, dropped to a seven-year low of $28.3 billion. The government devalued the peso 15 percent last week and raised benchmark interest rates as much as 6 percentage points. The moves, coupled with less risk appetite for emerging market assets, haven’t settled investor concerns.

There is fear and panic about the emerging markets and the news has not been good out of Argentina with reserves dropping $250 million yesterday,” said Russell Dallen, the head trader at Caracas Capital.
Charts: Bloomberg

Greece Is Back: Germany, France, Creditors Hold Secret Meeting Due To Greek Bailout "Mounting Concerns"

Greece Is Back: Germany, France, Creditors Hold Secret Meeting Due To Greek Bailout "Mounting Concerns"

Tyler Durden's picture

There was a time - roughly between May 2010 and the spring fall of 2011 - when all the world had to worry about was Greece. Then the realization finally dawned that since a Grexit from the Eurozone would kill the EUR and the European integration dream with so much "political capital" invested, crush Deutsche Bank, and bring back the much dreaded (by German exporters) Deutsche Mark, it became clear that there is no fear that Greece, which is now a decrepit shell of a country with a collapsed economy and society in shambles, has now become a slave state to European bureaucrats, business and banks (in Nigel Farage's words), will never be formally kicked out of Europe and only an internal coup would allow it to finally break free from the clutches of unelected European tyrants. And then the world moved on to more important things: like Japan, China Emerging Markets and how they are all enjoying the Fed's taper. Sadly, we have to reportthat Greece is once again baaaaack.
According to the WSJ, "top officials peeled away from colleagues after a euro-zone finance ministers meeting in Brussels Monday evening for a secret meeting to discuss mounting concerns over Greece's bailout.
High-level officials from the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission, the European Central Bank, senior euro-zone officials and the German and French finance ministers were present, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they aren't authorized to talk to the press.

They were trying to figure out how to tackle two issues threatening to unsettle the fragile economic recovery in Greece and the broader euro zone.

They discussed how to press the Greek government to forge ahead with unpopular structural reforms; and second, how to scramble together extra cash to cover a shortfall in the country's financing for the second half of the year, estimated at €5 billion-€6 billion ($6.81 billion-$8.17 billion).
Of course, this being Europe, nothing was decided: "The meeting was inconclusive, the people familiar with the situation said. Talks with the Greek authorities continue remotely—though representatives of the three institutions, known as the troika, have put on hold their plans to travel to Athens. Concerns are growing because Greece faces a large maturity of government bonds in May of €11 billion. The IMF hasn't disbursed any aid to Greece since July and is €3.8 billion behind in scheduled aid payments. The IMF insists on having a clear view of the country's finances 12 months ahead, and this condition hasn't been met."
And so the posturing resumes, with the Troika pretending it won't hand over the funds unless Greece "reforms", and Greece promising the "reform" as soon as it gets the funds. Nothing new here. What is new, is that finally the facade of Greek sovereignty and independence was stripped away as decisions regarding Greece took place... without
Greece: "Greek Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras, who was briefing the
press in the same building at the time, wasn't invited."
Which is right - after all when a nation is enslaved and has no sovereignty, it doesn't deserve to have a voice in its future.
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es wird zunehmend ungemütlich in der Türkei.....Erdogan will Zentralbank entmachten

WÄHRUNGSKRISE IN DER TÜRKEIErdogan will Zentralbank entmachten

Die drastische Zinserhöhung der Zentralbank sorgt bei türkischen Regierungspolitikern für Unmut. Sie fürchten um Wahlchancen. Laut Medienberichten will die Regierung Erdogan die Regeln für die Zentralbank ändern.
Der türkische Ministerpräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan hatte nach der Zentralbankentscheidung von möglichen Maßnahmen seiner Regierung zur Stärkung des Wachstums gesprochen. Quelle: AFP
Der türkische Ministerpräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan hatte nach der Zentralbankentscheidung von möglichen Maßnahmen seiner Regierung zur Stärkung des Wachstums gesprochen.Quelle: AFP
IstanbulNach der kräftigen Zinsanhebung durch die türkische Zentralbank in dieser Woche will die Regierung von Ministerpräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan Presseberichten zufolge die Regeln für die Währungshüter ändern. Per Gesetz solle die Zentralbank verpflichtet werden, künftig vor allem auf die Sicherung des Wirtschaftswachstums zu achten, statt wie bisher dem Kampf gegen die Inflation Priorität einzuräumen, berichteten die regierungsnahe Zeitung „Sabah“ und das unabhängige Blatt „Taraf“ am Freitag übereinstimmend. Erdogan hatte sich öffentlich gegen die Zinsanhebung gewandt.
Die Zentralbank hatte den Leitzins von 7,75 auf 12 Prozent erhöht, um den seit Wochen anhaltenden Kursverfall der Lira zu stoppen. In der regierungsnahen Presse wurde die Entscheidung scharf kritisiert, weil sie das Wirtschaftswachstum bremsen könnte. Die währungspolitischen Turbulenzen in der Türkei dürften auch bei einem Gespräch Erdogans mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) am kommenden Dienstag in Berlin zur Sprache kommen.
Erdogan hatte nach der Zentralbankentscheidung von möglichen Maßnahmen seiner Regierung zur Stärkung des Wachstums gesprochen. Den Berichten zufolge plant Erdogans Regierung unter anderem eine Abwrackprämie für Autobesitzer und Steuervorteile für ausländische Investoren. Die laut Presse ebenfalls intern diskutierte Einführung von Kapitalkontrollen, um den Abfluss von ausländischem Kapital zu erschweren, wird es nach Angaben von Finanzminister Mehmet Simsek aber nicht geben.

Pflichtverletzung des GF der ABDRECO RA Jakob Heichele // der 2012er Jahresabschluss fehlt (das ist insbesondere pikant da die Frage der Höhe des Eigenkapitals zu hinterfragen ist)....das riecht nach Buss/Zwangsgeld.....


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