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Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2012

It's blood in the streets out there: nobody wants Euros because nobody knows if Greece will be in the EMU on Monday...

A Day In The Life Of A Swiss National Bank Trader

Tyler Durden's picture

It's blood in the streets out there: nobody wants Euros because nobody knows if Greece will be in the EMU on Monday... Or Spain for that matter, which is now fresh out of towels. You just happen to have the position of an FX trader at the SNB and everyone wants your money. What do you do? What do you do?
Simple: the world is hitting your EUR bid harder and harder...

Don't panic. Just turn around, and use all those EURs you just got stuffed with to buy Japanese Yen.

Rinse. Repeat.
Until the BOJ decides to return the favor of course.
Did we mention it is a central bank market out there?
h/t Alex

1 Kommentar:

  1. Auf den Leerverkauf des EURO wurde schon vor vier Wochen hingewiesen...
    Der Absturz ist nun wahrlich keine Überraschung mehr...
