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Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2015

Kicillof: 'Next gov't will have to strongly negotiate with vulture funds'

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Kicillof: 'Next gov't will have to strongly negotiate with vulture funds'

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Upper House today cleared for debate a bill which ratifies the United Nations resolution about sovereign debt restructurings.
The bill was sent to Congress by the government and was cleared for debate today after Economy Minister Axel Kicillof defended the initiative before senators and harshly criticized the so called “vulture funds” as well as US Judge Thomas Griesa.
Kicillof considered the next government will have to “negotiate strongly with vulture funds.”
"This is the way, not under extortion, not under fear or complicity. We have to negotiate to close and pay 100% of our commitments, under fair and sustainable conditions and this is what the United Nations validated,” the minister told the committee.
The Senate is expected to pass the bill next Wednesday.

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