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Montag, 21. Mai 2012

zur gerichtsfesten Dokumentation der Ungleichbehandlung: Greece Pays Interest on International Bond in Yen, GDMA Says

Bloomberg News

Greece Pays Interest on International Bond in Yen, GDMA Says

By John Glover on May 08, 2012
Europe’s most indebted nation didn’t offer to swap the 4.5 percent bonds due 2016 when it exchanged more than 200 billion euros ($260 billion) of bonds for new securities with a lower face value and longer maturities, Christodoulou said in an e-mail. The notes are among bonds issued under foreign rather than Greek law that sidestepped losses imposed under the biggest-ever sovereign bond restructuring, completed last month.
Greek political leaders are seeking the support needed to form a coalition government after Greek voters flocked to anti-bailout parties on May 6, calling into question the country’s ability to impose the measures needed to guarantee its future in the euro. Greece’s financing costs rose for the first time this year today at a 1.3 billion-euro auction of treasury bills.
To contact the reporter on this story: John Glover in London at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Paul Armstrong at

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