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Montag, 30. April 2012

wer weiss näheres zu diesen Bonds: GR1150001666 GR0514017145 GR0514018150 GR0514019166 GR0326040236

Wer von euch hat Zugang zu einem Bloomberg Terminal????

Dann fragt da mal nach warum die diese Anleihen listen:


Scheinbar sind jene Titel vom PSI ausgeschlossen worden!

3 Kommentare:

  1. "How many of you have access to a Bloomberg terminal??
    Then ask why listen to the times when these bonds: "

    I can help you with that but you need to tell me in english what exactly you need to find out. The google tanslate does not make any sense in the second sentence.


  2. Hi Matador,

    Rolf thinks that those ISINs have been excluded from the PSI.
    I checked the first ISIN and Clearstream listed them as beeing in the PSI and so called Exchange Designated Sec. .
    If they are (some of them) excluded then we d like to know the reasons for it and the Prospectus (offering circular).

  3. GR1150001666: PSIed/ not priced in Bloomberg anymore.
    GR0514017145: PSIed. This line is still live but I doubt whether it will be paid or not. I say that this is PSIed because there has been a spin-off line allocated to ECB/EIB to get them excluded from the PSI.

    For the last three there is no indication in Bloomberg that are PSIed. They are live in Bloomberg though no trading happened the last couple of days.

    There isn't a prospectus for any of these in Bloomberg either. And as for the reasons of exclusion I don't think anyone will be able to answer this to you.

