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Donnerstag, 12. April 2012

Anonym hat einen neuen Kommentar zu Ihrem Post "eine Antwort auf mein Schreiben an Herrn Dr. Schäu..." hinterlassen: // danke für den freundlichen Kommentar, Matador

Anonym hat einen neuen Kommentar zu Ihrem Post "eine Antwort auf mein Schreiben an Herrn Dr. Schäu..." hinterlassen:

Hi Rolf,

Many thanks for your excellent blog first of all. I am not german speaker and I try to do my best following you from google translate.
Just a few things:
1) Unlike what you say to your letter NO GREEKS were spared of the haircut no matter the amount they had invested. Bear in mind that some Greeks had invested in bonds that were exactly the same like the normal lines but the had an extra letter to the ISIN in order to get their coupons without tax as the Greek government considered these people that participated in the "IPO" as depositors!!! (this is how they were called in the official Greek Debt Management Office release).
2) I am amazed by the response and more specifically by "The Federal Ministry of Finance itself was not negotiating partner or party. ". Mr Schauble himself has made several comments dictating policy and how to do things to the Greeks. When actually Venizelos tried to protect somehow the retail investors the same man got so enraged and scrapped those plans and made Venizelos commit himself that no compensation direct or indirect would be paid to the Greek investors. This is something that has been said officially within the Greek Parliament by Mr. Venizelos. In any case, the Germans denying any involvement in the Greek PSI negotiations is just a farce.
3) I am even more amazed that German Officials screw their own citizens in such a way. Greece is a banana republic and I expected Greek retailers to get screwed but I thought that Germany was a state with a rule of law. The Ministry of Finance refusing to appeal to the a tribunal based on the bilateral treaty is against the benefit of their own citizens that they are supposed to protect. To be honest I am not surprised though. German intransigence and stubbornness have brought Europe where it is at the moment and they wont stop until they go all the way, even if that means screwing their own citizens for the benefit of the banks.

That means that you should expect a hostile reception from the German courts as well when you present your case to them. Will the German judges bend over to politicians? You probably know better than me the answer but I am not holding my breath. What I do know is that the Greek judges are being appointed by the corrupt politicians that ruined the country so I don't expect the Greek retail bondholders to get a favorable decision either. But I am one of them and I will fight to the end to get justice done.

Keep up the good work and let's hope that we get some judges that will live up to the ideals that the Greek and German philosophers set up long time ago.


2 Kommentare:

  1. In Griechenland müssen die Privatanleger und Firmen jeder einzeln Klage erheben!
    Dadurch wird Möglichkeit der Korruption erheblich eingeschränkt.
    Letztendlich muss ja nur eine Klage durchdringen! Auf diese erfolgreiche Klage können sich sodann die übrigen Kläger berufen.

  2. Die Rede von Venizelos vor dem griechischen Parlament, bezl. Matadors Schreiben, brauchen wir als Beweissicherung. Das muss ja aufgezeichnet worden sein!
    Diese Rede könnte sich als sehr wichtig, bezl. deutscher Verantwortung, erweisen!!!
    Vielleicht kann Rolf hier einen Aufruf starten.
