Gesamtzahl der Seitenaufrufe

Samstag, 10. Mai 2014

den dort lesbaren Brief von Buchheit solltet ihr euch zu Gemüte führen....

Hi Rolf,

I hope you are well.
I wanted to bring into your attention a document that a Greek website exclusively posted recently:

It is a letter sent by Mr. Buccheit to the Greek Debt Management Office and it seems to argue that it would still have been possible to issue the new GGBs under Greek law and not English albeit including some minor ammendments. Mr. Buccheit was also concerned about the side effects to the EU perifery of issuing the new Greek bonds under English law. 
The takeaway of the Greek website is that Greek authorities, and more specifically Mr. Venizelos, opted to serve foreign interests instead of serving the interests of the country by bypassing the expert advice.
It is certainly an interesting revelation.

thanks again for the continuing coverage and keep up the excellent work

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