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Dienstag, 4. November 2014

Kicillof rejects rumours of vulture funds negotiations as ‘pure lies’

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Kicillof rejects rumours of vulture funds negotiations as ‘pure lies’

File photo of Economy Minister Axel Kicillof.
Economy Minister Axel Kicillof condemned “media operations” regarding alleged government plans to resume talks with vulture funds based on his remarks from an interview with a Mexican newspaper yesterday.
“Opposition, misinforming media took one sentence to fuel an operation they have been carrying out, Clarín in particular,” the minister said.
Kicillof has been quoted as saying that “in the end of the year, when the instruments that vulture funds have used for extortion disappear, there will be better possibilities for dialogue,” in a clear reference to the expiration date of the RUFO clause on December 31st.
However, he denied that the goverment is planning to negotiate with vulture funds next year. “Pure lies,” he stated.
“It is a worrysome operation that only has one goal, to create uncertainty, to hurt the government by creating contradictions, when in fact the only contradiction is in their operations,” Kicillof stated.

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