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Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2013

Jetzt proben Kommunen in Katalanien (Barcelona) den finanziellen Aufstand.....A Catalan city repudiates interest payments on loan to pay off private contractors

A Catalan city repudiates interest payments on loan to pay off private contractors

In Badalona, a suburb of Barcelona and the third largest municipality in Catalonia at over 200,000 inhabitants, the city council voted for a resolution repudiating part of its debt as odious, reports Público. The motion has no legal effects as the local government is still legally obligated to pay its debt, but it is seen as politically important. The People's Party, which runs the local government with a majority in the local council, abstained on a motion introduced by the 'Badalona Citizen's Debt Audit' group with the local United Left-Green Left party ICV-EUiA and supported by the rest of the opposition parties, declaring €31m in loan interest 'illegitimate debt'. The loans in question are a result of the 2012 'contractor payment plan' of the Spanish government, which aimed at paying arrears owed by local and regional governments to private contractors. The loans were made by the public credit institution ICO and channelled through commercial banks. The council's motion is based on the notion that banks funded themselves at 1% at the ECB and then loaned what was ultimately state money to the city council at 5.54%, when "the money could go directly from one public institution (ECB) to another (State)"

1 Kommentar:

  1. Umgeschuldet wird die gesamte Staatsverschuldung abzüglich der Staatsanleihen, die nicht nach griechischem Recht emittiert wurden (ca. 9 Mrd. Euro25), da
    sich diese Gläubiger im Rahmen einer Klage vor dem im Ausland zuständigen Gericht eine höhere
    Rückzahlung erhoffen als sie jetzt bei diesem Schuldenschnitt erhalten. Am Schuldenschnitt partizipieren ebenfalls 76,8% aller Gläubiger (sowohl die privaten als auch die staatlichen) und diese verzichten auf 75% des Nominalwerts.
